Engine and it's terms.

Technical Education



 Internal combustion engines are those heat engines that burn fuel inside the engine cylinder. On the other side, external combustion engines are those heat engines that burn their fuel outside the engine cylinder. Even though reciprocating internal combustion engines look quite simple, they are highly complex machines.

There are hundreds of components that have to perform their functions satisfactorily to produce output power. Let us now go through the important engine components and the nomenclature associated with an engine.

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Terms- Both I.C engines and E.C engines are basically that heat engines and converted heat energy into mechanical energy. The heat transfers and other operations are depended on the mechanical design of an engine.

The main designing functions are-

·        Bore- The internal diameter of a cylinder is called bore. Cylinder in where the piston moves in reciprocating motion, is hollow. So the bore denotes - Ï€r2h.

·        Stroke- The linier distance along the cylinder axis between two limiting position is called stroke. It is the distance in between T.D.C and B.D.C. The stroke length is determined by the cranks of the crankshaft.

·        Clearance volume- The volume contained into the cylinder above the top of the piston, when the piston is at the T.D.C, is called the clearance volume. The maximum compression pressure in the piston is controlled by the clearance volume.

·        Swept volume- The volume swept by the piston while moving from one T.D.C to B.D.C. Swept volume is also called the displacement volume.

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