Compensating Devices in Carburetor | All Methods.

Technical Education

Compensating devices in a carburetor are used to adjust the fuel-to-air ratio for the engine under different operating conditions. The device is designed to compensate for changes in air density that occur as a result of changes in temperature and altitude.

Compensating devices in carburetor.
Compensating devices in the carburetor.


In this article, I will discuss all the methods used in compensating devices in carburetors. 

Compensating devices in carburetor- 

To maintain the correct air-fuel mixture at higher speeds, some automatic compensating devices are provided in the modem carburetors. These devices act either to increase the air supply automatically as the suction above the jet increases or to increase the fuel supply automatically as the suction above the jet decreases. The process of providing additional air or fuel, when required, to maintain the correct air-fuel mixture is called compensation in the carburetor. 

One common type of compensating device used in carburetors is the altitude compensator. This device uses a diaphragm to sense changes in air pressure, which are caused by changes in altitude. As the pressure changes, the diaphragm adjusts the fuel-to-air ratio in the carburetor to maintain optimal engine performance.



Another type of compensating device is the thermostatic air cleaner. This device regulates the temperature of the air entering the carburetor, which can affect the fuel-to-air ratio. By maintaining a constant temperature, the device helps ensure that the engine is running efficiently and with the right fuel-to-air ratio.


Why do we need compensating devices in the carburetor? 

carburetor is a device that blends fuel and air in the proper ratio for combustion in an internal combustion engine. The air-to-fuel ratio, is a critical parameter in engine operation, affecting engine performance, fuel economy, and emissions. The carburetor must supply the correct air-to-fuel ratio for the engine to run smoothly and efficiently under different operating conditions.


However, changes in operating conditions, such as changes in temperature, altitude, or humidity, can alter air density and affect the air-to-fuel ratio. This is where compensating devices in carburetors come into play. A compensating device adjusts the air-to-fuel ratio to maintain optimal engine performance under different operating conditions. 


In addition, changes in operating conditions can affect the air-to-fuel ratio, which can lead to engine performance issues. For example, at high altitudes, the air density is lower, which means that less air enters the engine. Without a compensating device, the fuel-to-air ratio would be too high, resulting in poor engine performance and increased emissions.


Compensating devices also help ensure that engines meet emission standards. Emissions regulations are becoming increasingly stringent, and compensating devices are critical for ensuring that engines meet these standards. For example, the catalytic converter in a modern vehicle’s exhaust system requires a precise air-to-fuel ratio to function correctly. Here are some examples- 

1. Altitude compensator- 

One of the most common types of compensating devices used in carburetors is the altitude compensator. This device uses a diaphragm to sense changes in air pressure caused by changes in altitude. As the pressure changes, the diaphragm adjusts the fuel-to-air ratio in the carburetor to maintain optimal engine performance. The altitude compensator is particularly important in aircraft engines that operate at high altitudes.

2. Thermostic air cleaner- 

Another type of compensating device is the thermostatic air cleaner. This device regulates the temperature of the air entering the carburetor, which can affect the fuel-to-air ratio. By maintaining a constant temperature, the device helps ensure that the engine is running efficiently and with the correct fuel-to-air ratio.

3. Humidity compensator- 

In addition to altitude and temperature compensation, some carburetors are equipped with other compensating devices. For example, some carburetors have a humidity compensator that adjusts the fuel-to-air ratio to compensate for changes in humidity. This is particularly important in marine engines that operate in high-humidity environments.

Read more- What is an eccentric float chamber type carburetor? 

Compensating devices are essential for proper engine operation because they help maintain optimal air-to-fuel ratios, which affects engine performance, fuel economy, and emissions. The air-to-fuel ratio affects the power output, fuel efficiency, and exhaust emissions of an engine. A lean air-to-fuel ratio can result in reduced power output and increased fuel consumption, while a rich air-to-fuel ratio can result in reduced fuel efficiency and increased emissions.


Methods used in compensating devices in carburetors- 

The following methods of compensation are usually used in modern carburetors: 

1. Auxilary or extra air valve compensation- 

Auxiliary or extra air valve compensation device in carburetor.
Auxiliary or extra air valve compensation device in the carburetor.


An extra air valve is fitted to the carburetor to provide extra air. When the throttle valve is opened, the extra air valve is also opened against the spring and supplies extra air in the mixing chamber of the carburetor. Thus, throughout the economy range the air-fuel ratio can be kept reasonably constant by this method of compensation.

2. Restricted air bleed compensation- 

Restricted air bleed compensation device in the carburetor.
Restricted air bleed compensation device in the carburetor.


This method of compensation provides a rich mixture at starting and low speeds; and a lean mixture at high speeds. The carburetor is provided with a jet tube having many holes in it, as shown in Fig. The air coming from the restricted air-bleed opening mixes with the fuel in the jet tube, and the mixture comes out through the nozzle. At starting and low speeds, the pressure drop in the venturi is small, due to the effect of viscosity and surface tension of the air-fuel mixture being less than that of the fuel alone, more quantity of fuel flows into the venturi giving a rich mixture. But at higher speeds, the pressure drop in the venturi is high, due to which the effect of viscosity to the induction manifold considerably diminishes and the pressure of air bubbles bleed decreases the quantity of fuel delivered. Thus, a lean mixture is given at a wide throttle opening.

3. Compensating jet compensation- 

Compensating jet compensation device in the carburetor.
Compensating jet compensation device in the carburetor.


This method of compensation consists of a compensating jet along with the main Jet, as shown in Fig. The main jet is directly connected to the float chamber’ but the compensating jet is connected to the float chamber through a vertical tube C. The fuel in tube C is always subjected to atmospheric pressure. When the throttle valve is partly opened both, the Jets supply fuel m the venturi. When the throttle valve is gradually opened wide, the fuel supply from the main jet increases, but that from the compensating jet decreases due to the level of the fuel falling into tube C. This makes the mixture lean at high speeds. This method is also known as unrestricted air bleed compensation.

4. Multiple jet compensation- 

In this type of compensation, three or five jets are provided in the carburetor, as shown in Fig. A cap E opens different jet passages in turn as the throttle valve is opened. When the throttle opening is almost closed for idling or slow-speed operation, the fuel is supplied by nozzle 1. When the throttle opening is small, the suction is applied to the cap which opens the nozzle 2. When the throttle valve is further opened, the cap lifts up more, and nozzle 3 opens to supply. The nozzle 3 is so adjusted that it gives a lesser amount of fuel than nozzle 2, thus providing compensation. Similarly, on further opening the throttle valve, nozzles 4 and 5 come into action.

5. Economiser needle in metering jet- 

In this method, the flow of fuel is restricted by changing the area of the metering nozzle which supplies the fuel from the float chamber to the main jet. The area is changed using a needle operated with leakage from the accelerator pedal. 


Compensating devices in carburetors are essential for proper engine operation. These devices adjust the air-to-fuel ratio to maintain optimal engine performance under different operating conditions, such as changes in temperature, altitude, and humidity. Without these devices, engine performance and efficiency would suffer, and emissions would increase. As emissions regulations become increasingly stringent, compensating devices will continue to play a critical role in engine operation.


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