Top 10 Causes of Car Overheating and Remedies to Increase the Car Life

Technical Education

A car or a vehicle has the most important component that drives the whole vehicle is Engine. So to increase the life of the car engine you need to know these 10 causes of car overheating to protect the engine from any kind of damage and wear. In this article, I will discuss the top 10 causes of car overheating and their remedies to increase the life of your car engine.


10 Causes of Car Overheating

An engine in a vehicle is the most important and the most crucial component. The engine needs to be maintained well in the system that is good for the running condition. The engine can malfunction in various ways. Overheating is also the reason for them.

An Engine overheating refers to a situation where the temperature of a car’s engine rises to a level that is higher than what is considered safe for its normal operation. The engine in a car generates a significant amount of heat while it’s running, and a cooling system is in place to regulate and dissipate this heat to prevent damage to the engine components.

The overheating of the engine can happen in various ways. Among these conditions, I have chosen these 10 conditions that can be a bigger issue. so, the 10 causes of car overheating are –

  1. Low coolant levels.
  2. Coolant leaks.
  3. Faulty thermostat.
  4. Blocked radiator.
  5. Cooling fan malfunction.
  6. Worn water pump.
  7. Clogged cooling system.
  8. Engine overload.
  9. Radiator cap issues.
  10. Engine oil problems.

Each of these problems and their remedies are discussed below-

Low Coolant Levels


Coolant is the media that swipes away the heat from the engine parts. The coolant helps the engine to cool down and also helps the engine parts to move safely and freely. A low coolant level can cause engine overheating because coolant, also known as antifreeze, plays a critical role in regulating the engine’s temperature.

The engine operates most efficiently and safely within a specific temperature range. When the coolant level is low, there’s not enough coolant in the system to effectively absorb and carry away the heat generated by the engine. With less coolant available, the cooling system’s overall capacity to regulate temperature diminishes. It becomes less capable of dissipating heat, especially during heavy loads or high-temperature conditions, such as when driving in hot weather or climbing steep hills. As a result, the engine starts to heat up more rapidly.

So the remedy is-

Remedy of Low Coolant Levels

  • Before you start the engine go for a ride check the coolant level.
  • If the coolant level is lower than the minimum level then pour some coolant into it.
  • Before pouring the coolant check if the coolant is compatible with your engine.

Coolant leaks


As I have discussed earlier the coolant is the most important thing to eliminate the engine heat. So if the coolant leaks from any part of the storage that is held in the container. So, if the coolant leaks from the holding area it could be a serious issue. This is a serious issue among the 10 causes of car overheating.

When coolant leaks occur, it disrupts the system’s ability to manage heat effectively, leading to overheating. With a reduced coolant volume, there is less capacity to absorb and carry away the heat generated by the engine during combustion. This reduced flow means that the coolant may not pass through the hot engine components as frequently or effectively as it should. As a result, the engine’s ability to dissipate heat is compromised.

In cases of severe coolant loss, the remaining coolant in the system can become so hot that it begins to boil. Boiling coolant is less effective at cooling the engine, and it can lead to the formation of steam, further hindering the cooling process. So the remedies for these problems are-

Remedies of Coolant leaks

  • Check the coolant level.
  • Check the coolant hose that is connected to the upper and lower part of the radiator.
  • Check the coolant container.
  • If there is some sort of damage then consult a technician.

Faulty Thermostat


The thermostat valve is the one-way valve allowing the coolant to pass through. This valve also helps to reach the working temperature of the engine. Overall thermostat valve is the component that helps the engine to start or maintain a constant working temperature.

When the engine is cold, the thermostat remains closed, preventing coolant from circulating through the radiator. This allows the engine to heat up quickly. A common issue with thermostats is getting stuck in the closed position. When this happens, the thermostat doesn’t open as it should when the engine reaches its operating temperature. As a result:

  • Coolant cannot flow through the radiator, where it is cooled down.
  • The engine’s heat isn’t effectively transferred to the coolant.
  • The engine temperature continues to rise because it’s unable to release excess heat.

So the remedy to this problem is

Remedy of Faulty Thermostat

  • If the thermostat is faulty then replace it.
  • If you issue this thermostat problem then consult a technician.

Blocked Radiator


The radiator is the main cooling media where the coolant cools down after taking the heat from the engine parts. The radiator has fins where the coolant flow slows down and the air in the atmosphere takes the excess heat from the coolant. So the radiator is the main component where the coolant cools down.

A blocked radiator can increase engine heat and lead to overheating because the radiator is a critical component of the car’s cooling system responsible for dissipating heat from the engine. As hot coolant from the engine flows through these tubes, it releases heat into the surrounding air through conduction and convection. This process cools down the coolant, which then returns to the engine to absorb more heat.

Over time, the radiator’s fins can become clogged with dirt, debris, bugs, or other contaminants. This material buildup can create a barrier between the coolant tubes and the outside air. When the fins are blocked or restricted, less air can flow through the radiator, reducing its ability to dissipate heat effectively. So finding the remedy for this problem is very important. The remedies are-

Remedy of Blocked Radiator

  • If the radiator is blocked then remove the dirt from the fins.
  • Remove the excess materials which blocked the path of the radiator.
  • You can use some adhesives to seal the clogged area to prevent coolant loss.
  • If the radiator is fully jammed then it is advisable to replace it.

Cooling Fan Malfunction


The engine cooling fan is the component where the fan plays a crucial role in dissipating heat from the radiator and maintaining the engine’s optimal operating temperature. The cooling fan is responsible for drawing air through the radiator when the engine reaches a certain temperature. This airflow helps cool down the coolant that has absorbed heat from the engine.

When a cooling fan malfunctions, it can either fail to turn on when the engine gets hot or remain stuck in the off position. In some cases, a malfunctioning electric fan may work intermittently. This can lead to inconsistent cooling and temperature fluctuations within the engine, making it more susceptible to overheating during certain conditions. So the remedy for this problem is ‘

Remedy of Cooling Fan Malfunction

  • So check the cooling fan’s electrical connection.
  • If there is any fault in the connection then repair it.
  • Check the cooling fan for any damage, if there is any damage then replace it.
  • Check the fan if there are some problems with the fan bearing, if there are problems then fix them.
  • If you are not able to judge the problem then consult a technician.

Worn Water Pump


The Water pump is the main component where the coolant is compressed and sent to the radiator. This pump generates a constant pressure of the coolant.

The water pump pumps coolant through the engine to absorb heat generated during combustion, and then it sends the heated coolant to the radiator, where it releases the heat before returning to the engine. Inside the water pump, there is an impeller—a rotating blade or fan-like structure—that helps move the coolant. Over time, the impeller can wear down due to friction, corrosion, or debris. As the impeller becomes worn, its ability to move coolant effectively diminishes.

With insufficient coolant circulation, the engine temperature can start to rise because it’s unable to release excess heat. This can lead to gradual overheating, especially during periods of high engine load or high ambient temperatures.

Remedy of Worn Water Pump

  • If the Impeller of the water pump clogs then replaces the pump.
  • If the pump is worn it is advisable to replace it, because the pump can not be repaired fully by anyone.

Clogged Cooling System


A cooling system is the media that cools down the engine temperature and helps to maintain the parts. The coolant is the main component of this cooling system but there are also other media available like air, engine oil, etc.

The cooling system is designed to circulate coolant (a mixture of water and antifreeze) through the engine to absorb heat generated during combustion and then carry that heat to the radiator, where it can be dissipated into the surrounding air. A clogged cooling system has obstructions, such as rust, scale, debris, or sediment, that restrict the flow of coolant.

When the cooling system is clogged, coolant cannot flow freely through the narrow passages within the engine and radiator. This reduced flow rate means that the coolant may not pass through the hot engine components or the radiator as efficiently as it should.

A clogged cooling system can cause temperature fluctuations within the engine because it cannot maintain a stable operating temperature. These fluctuations can lead to overheating, especially in challenging driving conditions.

Remedy of Clogged Cooling System

  • First, check the coolant level, if there is any shortage then fill it.
  • Check the thermostat and clean it or replace it with a new one.
  • Before filling the coolant check the coolant properties.
  • Clean and inspect the radiator and cooling fan.
  • Take the car to the service center for a checkup.

Engine overload

Engine overload is the term like, you are eating more than your capacity. So the engine and the vehicle also have a specific range of its load. If your load is more than the specific load capacity of the vehicle then the engine could be overheated.

When an engine is subjected to a workload that exceeds its designed capacity or operational limits, it has to work harder to produce the required power output. Overloading an engine can also lead to reduced airflow over the engine, especially in situations like towing heavy loads uphill or driving in hot weather. This reduced airflow diminishes the cooling system’s ability to remove heat effectively.

Remedy of Engine Overload

  • Load the specific amount in the vehicle.
  • Check the cooling system and the coolant level, if need to fill then fill it.
  • Always check the engine oil and the property of the oil. If the oil dilutes because of the overload then change it.

Radiator Cap Issues


The radiator cap is designed to maintain a specific pressure within the cooling system. This pressure increases the boiling point of the coolant, allowing it to absorb and dissipate heat more efficiently. The radiator cap also acts as a seal to prevent coolant from escaping the cooling system. If the cap is damaged or doesn’t seal correctly, coolant can leak out.

If the radiator cap doesn’t maintain the proper pressure, the coolant may boil at a lower temperature than it should. This can cause the coolant to vaporize prematurely, reducing its effectiveness in transferring heat away from the engine. A faulty radiator cap can allow air to enter the cooling system. Air pockets in the cooling system can disrupt the flow of coolant, create hot spots, and impede the cooling process. As a result, the engine may overheat because of insufficient coolant circulation.

Remedy of Radiator Cap Issues

  • Please tighten the radiator cap perfectly.
  • Don’t tighten it too much than its specific range.
  • If the cap is faulty then change it.

Engine oil Problems


Engine oil is the main ingredient that helps the moving parts to move freely. It also has the property to cool down the engine’s moving parts. It lubricates moving parts within the engine, such as pistons, bearings, and camshafts. Proper lubrication reduces friction and heat generation during engine operation.

Engine oil also plays a role in heat dissipation by carrying heat away from critical components. It absorbs heat from hot engine parts and transfers it to the oil pan, where it can dissipate through the oil cooler or into the surrounding air. When the oil is compromised or not flowing correctly, it can’t effectively carry away heat, causing the engine to overheat.

Remedy of Engine Oil Problems

  • Timely check the engine oil whether it needs to be poured or replaced.
  • If the engine oil dilutes then replace the engine oil.
  • If you do not replace the engine oil with its specific range of time then it could cause damage to the engine.
  • Consult a technician for better knowledge.

Conclusion of 10 Causes of Car Overheating

Read these 10 causes of car overheating and the remedies for better engine condition and for better performance of your vehicle. You should keep in mind that the cooling system and the engine oil circulation is the main reason for the engine overheating. There are a lot of problems there that can lead the engine overheating issues like improper engine installation, faulty water jacket, wrong lubricating oil, etc.

These the are basic 10 causes of car overheating, read them carefully and apply them to your engine.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’S)

What role does the radiator play in preventing overheating?

The radiator is responsible for dissipating heat from the coolant. If it’s clogged or damaged, it can’t efficiently cool the coolant, leading to overheating.

Why is it essential to address coolant leaks promptly?

Coolant leaks reduce the amount of coolant in the system, affecting its ability to regulate temperature. Over time, this can lead to overheating and engine damage.

How can regular maintenance prevent car overheating?

Regular maintenance, including coolant flushes, thermostat checks, radiator inspections, and oil changes, can help identify and address potential issues before they lead to overheating.

In the above article, I have discussed the “10 Causes of Car Overheating” and their remedies. If you want a PDF of this article then leave a message.

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