Carburetor in Hindi | कार्बोरेटर क्या है?

स्पार्क इग्निशन इंजन के ईंधन फ़ीड सिस्टम में कार्बोरेटर सबसे महत्वपूर्ण वस्तु है। इस लेख में मैं कार्बोरेटर के बारे में पूरी जानकारी हिंदी में(Carburetor in Hindi) बताऊंगा।



Carburetor in Hindi

Carburetor in Hindi

कार्बोरेटर एक ऑटोमोटिव इंजन का एक हिस्सा है जो कुशल दहन के लिए आवश्यक हवा और ईंधन की सटीक मात्रा लेने के लिए बनाया जाता है। यह घटक इंजन का धड़कता दिल रहा है, जो सुचारू संचालन और बढ़ी हुई अश्वशक्ति सुनिश्चित करता है। क्योंकि कार्बोरेटर बहुत सटीक होते हैं, यांत्रिक उपकरण आदर्श ईंधन/वायु अनुपात प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, चाहे वाहन ठंडी शुरुआत में हो या तेज गति से गर्म चल रहा हो।
गैसोलीन फिल्टर और इंडक्शन मैनिफोल्ड एक के माध्यम से जुड़े हुए हैं। इंजन परिचालन परिस्थितियों को पूरा करने के लिए, यह विभिन्न अनुपातों में वायु-ईंधन संयोजन की आपूर्ति करता है। कार्बोरेटर का फ्लोट चैंबर वह जगह है जहां ईंधन प्रवेश करता है। कार्बोरेटर का ट्रम्पेट हवा प्राप्त करता है। जब ईंधन और वायु दोनों वेंचुरी के माध्यम से प्रवेश करते हैं, तो वे मिश्रित हो जाते हैं।

Function of Carburetor in Hindi

कार्बोरेटर ईंधन को परमाणु बनाने और वाष्पीकृत करने और स्पार्क इग्निशन इंजन की उतार-चढ़ाव वाली परिचालन परिस्थितियों को समायोजित करने के लिए इसे विभिन्न अनुपातों में हवा के साथ संयोजित करने का एक उपकरण है। दहनशील मिश्रण वायु-ईंधन मिश्रण है जो कार्बोरेटर से इस प्रकार प्राप्त किया गया था। कार्बोरेशन एक ज्वलनशील संयोजन बनाने के लिए हवा और पेट्रोल के संयोजन की प्रक्रिया है।
इसलिए, यह समझना महत्वपूर्ण है कि वाष्पीकरण और परमाणुकरण का क्या अर्थ है। ईंधन को तरल अवस्था से वाष्प में बदलने की प्रक्रिया को वाष्पीकरण के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि प्रत्येक ईंधन कण हवा से घिरा हुआ है, परमाणुकरण तरल ईंधन को छोटे कणों में यांत्रिक रूप से तोड़ना है (जैसा कि शब्द का अर्थ है, वस्तुतः परमाणुओं में टूटना नहीं)। बहुत तेज़ वाष्पीकरण बनाने के लिए तरल ईंधन को कार्बोरेटर के माध्यम से बहने वाली हवा में छिड़का जाता है। तरल का छिड़काव करने से यह कई छोटे कणों में टूट जाता है, जिससे यह तुरंत वाष्पीकृत हो जाता है।
बदलती इंजन स्थितियों को समायोजित करने के लिए, कार्बोरेटर विभिन्न अनुपातों में वायु-ईंधन संयोजन प्रदान करता है। शुरू करने, तेज करने और उच्च गति संचालन के लिए, मिश्रण को समृद्ध (ईंधन का बड़ा प्रतिशत होना चाहिए) होना चाहिए। गर्म इंजन के साथ मध्यम गति पर संचालन के लिए, मिश्रण दुबला होना चाहिए (गैसोलीन का प्रतिशत कम होना चाहिए)। हवा और पेट्रोल के सैद्धांतिक रूप से आदर्श मिश्रण का आयतन अनुपात 15 भाग हवा और 1 घटक पेट्रोल है। एक आदर्श कार्बोरेटर इनटेक मैनिफोल्ड और सिलेंडर में पूरी तरह से वाष्पीकृत ईंधन और हवा की सही मात्रा भेजेगा।
नोट – कार्बोरेटर को सबसे पहले एक ऑटोमोबाइल इंजीनियर कार्ल बेंज ने विकसित किया था, जो मर्सिडीज के संस्थापक हैं। यह, जो एक अविस्मरणीय इतिहास बन गया है, 1888 में डिज़ाइन किया गया था और अभी भी, और डेट कार्बोरेटर अभी भी उपयोग में हैं।

Carburetor parts | कार्बोरेटर के कार्यात्मक भाग

What are the Chemical Properties of Diesel Fuel?

The chemical properties of diesel fuel are totally different from petrol. In this article, I Will discuss the important chemical properties of diesel fuel.

Chemical Properties of Diesel Fuel

Chemical Properties of Diesel Fuel

Diesel fuel, also known as hydrocarbon fuel, is used in diesel engines for vehicles and industrial applications. The diesel fuel is totally different from the petrol fuel. In a diesel engine, there is no need for the spark plug to ignite the fuel, because of the chemical properties of diesel fuel. It is derived from crude oil through a refining process known as distillation.
The properties required in diesel fuel are different from those required in petrol. The desirable properties are-
  1. Chemical composition.
  2. Viscosity.
  3. Sulfur content.
  4. Volatility.
  5. Ignition quality. 
  6. Free from water and sediments.
  7. Cetane number.
  8. Additives. 

1. Chemical Composition

Diesel fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms. The exact composition can vary depending on the source of crude oil and the refining process used. After refining the crude oil the diesel fuel extracts. The chemical compositions of diesel fuel are-
  • Alkanes.
  • Cycloalkanes.
  • Aromatics.
  • Isoparaffins.
  • Olefins.
  • Saturated hydrocarbons.

2. Viscosity

Viscosity indicates the internal resistance between the fuel molecules. Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. Highly viscous diesel fuel is not finely atomized and requires more injection pressure, whereas less viscous diesel fuel is not finely atomized, but causes more wear in the injection unit and leaks through the clearance. This means that the injection pressure and the degree of atomization of the injected fuel depend on diesel viscosity. The injection units are designed considering the viscosity of diesel.

3. Sulfur Content

The presence of sulfur in diesel fuel reduces the self-ignition temperature of diesel. Due to the Sulfur content, the injected fuel starts burning at a low temperature in the combustion chamber. The quantity of Sulfur should not exceed 0.5%, which is the desirable quantity of sulfur in diesel fuel. Excess Sulfur increases wear due to acidic corrosion and the formation and deposition of carbonaceous materials over the piston rings. Burned Sulfur forms SO2 which reacts with lubricating oil and forms gum, varnish, and hard substance. 

4. Volatility

Diesel fuel must be volatile at the cylinder temperature. The heavy ends of diesel which evaporate at a high temperature are partially burned and leave carbon deposits. Such carbon deposits in the cylinder cause cylinder wear and problems with the spraying of fuel from the injector if carbon is deposited over the injector orifice.

5. Ignition Quality

The diesel fuel must have a good ignition quality. The ignition quality of diesel is ascertained from its ignition lag. Ignition lag is the time interval, between the entrance of the fuel particle in the combustion chamber and its subsequent ignition It has been found that a fuel particle takes a certain time to ignite. The time interval is known as the ignition lag. the less time the ignition lags, the better the ignition quality of diesel fuel.

How Inspection of Engine Components is Done After the Engine Dismantle.

Inspection of engine components is necessary after the engine is dismantled. The various parts are inspected in this process. In this article, I will discuss the components of the engine that need to be inspected. 
Inspection of Engine Components

Inspection of Engine Components

The inspection procedure is detailed in the following paragraphs and covers the complete overhaul of the engine with that unit taken out of the vehicle. Before commencing the inspection and repair operations, the following inspections should be kept in mind. 
> During and immediately after disassembly, inspect the cylinder block and head for evidence of water leakage or damage after washing them clean, inspect more closely.
> Wash and clean all the disassembled parts. Remove the grease and the carbon particles. Be sure to the dirt and clean the passages of the water jackets.
> Use compressed air to clean internal engine oil holes and passages.
> Do not disturb the sets of combinations of valves, bearings, bearing caps, etc.
The other important components of the engine are discussed in the article below. 

Cylinder Head

The cylinder head needs to be examined in a proper manner. The process is- 
> Remove all the carbon from the combustion chamber.
> Check the cylinder head for cracks in the intake and exhaust ports, combustion chamber, and head surfaces.
> Check the flatness of the gasket surface. For checking the surface location use the perfect tool recommended by the owner guide. If the distortion limit of 0.05 mm is exceeded, correct the gasket surface plate using an abrasive paper of about 400(waterproof silicon carbide abrasive paper). Place the paper over the surface plate and rub the gasket surface to grind off the uneven spots. Should this fall to reduce the thickness gauge readings within the limit, replace the cylinder head.  Leakage of the combustion gases from the gasket joint often occurs due to a wrapped gasket surface. Such leakage results in a reduced power output. 
> Check the flatness of the manifold seating faces.
Check the seating faces of the cylinder head.
Check the seating faces of the cylinder head.

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8 Different Types of Car Battery Problems(Troubles)

Car battery problems are a common factor for each and every vehicle owner. In this article, I will discuss 8 different types of car battery problems and how can anyone test the lead-acid battery

Car Battery Problems.

Car Battery Problems

A car battery needs to be efficient to supply current to the different parts of the vehicle. It depends upon the two factors –
  1. Temperature.
  2. Rate of Discharge.
At low temperatures, the battery is less efficient and cannot supply for a long time, because chemical activities are greatly reduced and Sulphuric acid cannot work so actively on plates. 
So car battery problems are always there to hamper the electricity of the vehicle. The main 8 problems are- 
  1. Self Discharging.
  2. Sulphatation.
  3. Internal Short-Circuiting.
  4. Deterioration of Plates.
  5. Cracking of Container.
  6. Corrosion of Battery terminals and clamps.
  7. Loss of Water.
  8. Variations in Specific Gravity of Electrolyte. 
Each and every problem is discussed below- 

1. Self Discharging

If a battery is left standing for a few days, it is discharged by itself, the process is called self-discharging. New batteries usually get discharged at the rate of one percent per day of storage. The rapid self-discharging, 3% or more, is considered a serious defect of the battery. 
Self-discharging of batteries takes place due to contained electrolytes, damaged separators, and long-term storage. Therefore, pure Sulphuric acid(not commercial) and distilled water(not tap water)should be used to prepare the electrolyte. Care must be taken while inspecting the battery, so that dust or dirt particles may not enter the battery.
Care must be taken while handling the battery. Battery plates or separators may not be damaged. 
If a car is standing for a long period, it causes stratification of the electrolyte. The bottom layers become heavier than the top layers. In such a case local equalizing current sets up which increases the rate of self-discharging. 
If a battery is self-discharging, it should be discharged to 1.2 volts per cell. This will transfer metallic impurities from negative plates to the electrolyte. Then the electrolyte is drained and the battery is washed thoroughly first with clean water and then with distilled water. Now, the fresh electrolyte is put in the battery and then it is recharged. 

2. Sulphation

When a battery is discharged, the lead Sulphate forms and deposits on the plates. When it is being recharged, the Lead sulfate again converts into active materials- the lead peroxide and songy lead. However, if a battery is kept standing for a long time in a discharged condition, large lead Sulphate crystals, whitish in color, deposit on the plates, which do not convert back into the active materials of recharging. This condition is called Sulphation. The accumulation of these crystals increases the internal resistance of the cells and causes the plates to buckle or break. 
The very high specific gravity of electrolytes and insufficient electrolytes are also the cause of Sulphation. Care should be taken so that sulphation may not take place. The Sulfate battery can, however, be recharged by keeping the charging rate low. It is advisable not to use heavily discharged batteries.

Car Battery Life | 6 Factors That Affect Your Car Battery Life.

Car battery life is essential for the vehicle’s electrical system. So maintaining the battery life of the car is necessary. In this article, I will discuss the car battery life and the 6 factors that affect your car battery life.

Car Battery Life



Car Battery Life

Battery life has been defined as the period in which it lasts for service without any damage. Battery life is reduced by overcharging which causes overheating and excessive gas bubbling. 
In a car, the battery can be overcharged due to a faulty generator control which causes the generator to continue to charge the battery after it is fully charged. Too concentrated electrolyte also causes overcharging. Lack of water not only makes the electrolyte concentrated but, it reduces electrolyte levels in the cell, thus causing disintegration of the exposed plates. 
If a battery is continuously undercharged, it becomes Sulphated, which causes a loss of active material. It also causes the plates to buckle and break. Excessive loads, such as those produced by propelling the car with the starting motor, are detrimental to the battery. 
The battery is completely damaged if the electrolyte freezes in it. The freezing points of various solutions depending on the state of charge are given in the following table:
Specific gravity. Freezing point^ 0 F.
1.100 19
1.150 5
1.180 0
1.215 -20
1.250 -60
1.280 -9


To compensate for loss, distilled water must be added to the battery to prevent the dissolved materials. In freezing weather, it should be added just before the car is avoided by having it freeze before combining with the acid.

6 Factors that Affect Your Car Battery Life

The car battery life and health depend on how we treat that battery from time to time. If a driver is aware of what to do with the battery plats and the other parts then the life of a lead-acid battery can increase in time. Here, I have discussed the 6 problems that can affect the battery life of your car. These are- 
  1. Overcharging. 
  2. Undercharging.
  3. Lack of Water.
  4. Loose hold-downs.
  5. Excessive load.
  6. Freezing Electrolyte.


1. Overcharging

Charging a battery greatly an excess of what is required is harmful in several ways, as follows – 
1. Decompose water of electrolyte into hydrogen and oxygen gas.  Gas bubbles tend to wash active materials from the plates and carry moister and acid from the cells as a fine mist.
2. Decomposition of water leaves acid more concentrated. Concentrated acid is harmful to separators and negative plate material at high temperatures over a prolonged period of time, charging the separators and making the negative material sandy and granular.
3. High internal heat is created, which accelerates the corrosion of positive plate grids and damages separators. Also, containers may be softened and distorted and the sealing compound displaced. 
4. Overcharging alone or in combination with a previous condition of undercharging may cause severe buckling and wrapping of positive plates with accompanying preformation of separators.
5. May cause damage by corrosion to the cradle, cables, and other vital electrical and engine parts by forcing liquid from the cell if charging rates are excessive.